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Theory Of Structures MCQ

1.A three hinged arch is generally hinged at its supports and

  • AAt one quarter span
  • BAt the crown
  • CAnywhere in the rib
  • DNone of these
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Correct Answer : (C)

Anywhere in the rib


2.A uniform circular bar of diameter d and length , which extends by an The deflection of amount under a tensile pull , when it carries the same load at its mid-span, is

  • Ael/2d
  • Be²l/3d²
  • Cel²/3d²
  • De²l²/3d²
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Correct Answer : (C)



3.The ratio of the length and diameter of a simply supported uniform circular beam which experiences maximum bending stress equal to tensile stress due to same load at its mid span, is

  • A1/8
  • B1/4
  • C1/2
  • D1/3
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Correct Answer : (C)



4.The ratio of the length and depth of a simply supported rectangular beam which experiences maximum bending stress equal to tensile stress, due to same load at its mid span, is

  • A1/2
  • B2/3
  • C1/4
  • D1/3
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Correct Answer : (B)



5.The ratio of the maximum deflections of a simply supported beam with a central load W and of a cantilever of same length and with a load W at its free end, is

  • A1/8
  • B1/10
  • C1/12
  • D1/16
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Correct Answer : (C)



6.A truss containing j joints and m members, will be a simple truss if

  • Am = 2j – 3
  • Bj = 2m – 3
  • Cm = 3j – 2
  • Dj = 3m – 2
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Correct Answer : (A)

m = 2j – 3


7.The ratio of the area of cross-section of a circular section to the area of its core, is

  • A4
  • B8
  • C12
  • D16
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Correct Answer : (D)



8.Slenderness ratio of a long column, is

  • AArea of cross-section divided by radius of gyration
  • BArea of cross-section divided by least radius of gyration
  • CRadius of gyration divided by area of cross-section
  • DLength of column divided by least radius of gyration
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Correct Answer : (D)

Length of column divided by least radius of gyration


9.Principal planes are subjected to

  • ANormal stresses only
  • BTangential stresses only
  • CNormal stresses as well as tangential stresses
  • DNone of these
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Correct Answer : (A)

Normal stresses only


10.A close coil helical spring when subjected to a moment M having its axis along the axis of the helix

  • AIt is subjected to pure bending
  • BIts mean diameter will decrease
  • CIts number of coils will increase
  • DAll the above
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Correct Answer : (A)

It is subjected to pure bending


11.In case of principal axes of a section

  • ASum of moment of inertia is zero
  • BDifference of moment inertia is zero
  • CProduct of moment of inertia is zero
  • DNone of these
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Correct Answer : (C)

Product of moment of inertia is zero


12.The ratio of lateral strain to axial strain of a homogeneous material, is known

  • AYield ratio
  • BHooke’s ratio
  • CPoisson’s ratio
  • DPlastic ratio
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Correct Answer : (C)

Poisson’s ratio


13.Flat spiral springs

  • AConsist of uniform thin strips
  • BAre supported at outer end
  • CAre wound by applying a torque
  • DAll the above
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Correct Answer : (D)

All the above


14.A compound truss may be formed by connecting two simple rigid frames, by

  • ATwo bars
  • BThree bars
  • CThree parallel bars
  • DThree bars intersecting at a point
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Correct Answer : (B)

Three bars


15.The maximum magnitude of shear stress due to shear force F on a rectangular section of area A at the neutral axis, is

  • AF/A
  • BF/2A
  • C3F/2A
  • D2F/3A
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Correct Answer : (C)



16.Shear strain energy theory for the failure of a material at elastic limit, is due to

  • ARankine
  • BGuest or Trecas
  • CSt. Venant
  • DVon Mises
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Correct Answer : (D)

Von Mises


17.Maximum principal stress theory for the failure of a material at elastic point, is known

  • AGuest's or Trecas' theory
  • BSt. Venant's theory
  • CRankine's theory
  • DVon Mises' theory
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Correct Answer : (C)

Rankine's theory


18.Total strain energy theory for the failure of a material at elastic limit, is known

  • AGuest’s or Trecas’ theory
  • BSt. Venant’s theory
  • CRankine’s theory
  • DHaig’s theory
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Correct Answer : (D)

Haig’s theory


19.Maximum shear stress theory for the failure of a material at the elastic limit, is known

  • AGuest's or Trecas' theory
  • BSt. Venant's theory
  • CRankine's theory
  • DHaig's theory
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Correct Answer : (A)

Guest's or Trecas' theory


20.The forces in the members of simple trusses, may be analysed by

  • AGraphical method
  • BMethod of joints
  • CMethod of sections
  • DAll the above
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Correct Answer : (D)

All the above
