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Theory Of Structures MCQ

1.The shape factor of standard rolled beam section varies from

  • A1.10 to 1.20
  • B1.20 to 1.30
  • C1.30 to 1.40
  • D1.40 to 1.50
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Correct Answer : (A)

1.10 to 1.20


2.The ratio of maximum shear stress to average shear stress of a circular beam, is

  • A2/3
  • B3/2
  • C¾
  • D4/3
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Correct Answer : (D)



3.The locus of reaction of a two hinged semi-circular arch, is

  • AStraight line
  • BParabola
  • CCircle
  • DHyperbola
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Correct Answer : (A)

Straight line


4.A composite beam is composed of two equal strips one of brass and other of steel. If the temperature is raised

  • ASteel experiences tensile force
  • BBrass experiences compressive force
  • CComposite beam gets subjected to a couple
  • DAll the above
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Correct Answer : (D)

All the above


5.The assumption in the theory of bending of beams is

  • AMaterial is homogeneous
  • BMaterial is isotropic
  • CYoung’s modulus is same in tension as well as in compression
  • DAll the above
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Correct Answer : (D)

All the above


6.The ratio of the deflections of the free end of a cantilever due to an isolated load at 1/3rd and 2/3rd of the span, is

  • A1/7
  • B2/7
  • C3/7
  • D2/5
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Correct Answer : (B)



7.In plastic analysis, the shape factor for rectangular section, is

  • A1.4
  • B1.5
  • C1.6
  • D1.7
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Correct Answer : (B)



8.The ratio of maximum and average shear stresses on a rectangular section, is

  • A1
  • B1.25
  • C1.5
  • D2
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Correct Answer : (C)



9.A material is said to be perfectly elastic if

  • AIt regains its original shape on removal of the load
  • BIt regains its original shape partially on removal of the load
  • CIt does not regain its original shape at all
  • DNone of these
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Correct Answer : (A)

It regains its original shape on removal of the load


10.The equivalent length of a column of length L, having both the ends hinged, is

  • A2L
  • BL
  • CL/2
  • DL/√2
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Correct Answer : (B)



11.The ratio of crippling loads of a column having both the ends fixed to the column having both the ends hinged, is

  • A1
  • B2
  • C3
  • D4
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Correct Answer : (D)



12.For a strongest rectangular beam cut from a circular log, the ratio of the width and depth, is

  • A0.303
  • B0.404
  • C0.505
  • D0.707
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Correct Answer : (D)



13.The equivalent length is of a column of length having both the ends fixed, is

  • A2L
  • BL
  • CL/2
  • DL/3
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Correct Answer : (C)



14.A simply supported uniform rectangular bar breadth b, depth d and length L carries an isolated load W at its mid-span. The same bar experiences an extension e under same tensile load. The ratio of the maximum deflection to the elongation, is

  • AL/d
  • BL/2d
  • C(L/2d)²
  • D(L/3d)²
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Correct Answer : (C)



15.Section modulus of a square section of side B and that of a circular section of the ratio of the diameter D, is

  • A2 /15
  • B3 /16
  • C3 /8
  • D2/16
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Correct Answer : (B)

3 /16


16.A simply supported beam which carries a uniformly distributed load has two equal overhangs. To have maximum B.M. produced in the beam least possible, the ratio of the length of the overhang to the total length of the beam, is

  • A0.207
  • B0.307
  • C0.407
  • D0.508
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Correct Answer : (A)



17.The load on a spring per unit deflection, is called

  • AStiffness
  • BProof resilience
  • CProof stress
  • DProof load
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Correct Answer : (A)



18.At yield point of a test piece, the material

  • AObeys Hooke’s law
  • BBehaves in an elastic manner
  • CRegains its original shape on removal of the load
  • DUndergoes plastic deformation
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Correct Answer : (D)

Undergoes plastic deformation


19.Beams composed of more than one material, rigidly connected together so as to behave as one piece, are known as

  • ACompound beams
  • BIndeterminate beams
  • CDeterminate beams
  • DComposite beams
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Correct Answer : (D)

Composite beams


20.The yield moment of a cross section is defined as the moment that will just produce the yield stress in

  • AThe outer most fibre of the section
  • BThe inner most fibre of the section
  • CThe neutral fibre of the section
  • DThe fibre everywhere
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Correct Answer : (A)

The outer most fibre of the section
