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Theory Of Structures MCQ

1.Gradually applied static loads do not change with time their

  • AMagnitude
  • BDirection
  • CPoint of application
  • DAll the above
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Correct Answer : (D)

All the above


2.Maximum strain theory for the failure of a material at the elastic limit, is known as

  • AGuest's or Trecas' theory
  • BSt. Venant's theory
  • CRankine's theory
  • DHaig's theory
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Correct Answer : (B)

St. Venant's theory


3.The point of contraflexure is the point where

  • AB.M. changes sign
  • BB.M. is maximum
  • CB.M. is minimum
  • DS.F. is zero
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Correct Answer : (A)

B.M. changes sign


4.The locus of the moment of inertia about inclined axes to the principal axis, is

  • AStraight line
  • BParabola
  • CCircle
  • DEllipse
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Correct Answer : (D)



5.Inertia of a rectangular section of width and depth about an axis passing the moment of through C.G. and parallel to its width is

  • ABD²/6
  • BBD³/6
  • CBD³/12
  • DB²D/6
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Correct Answer : (C)



6.The ratio of shear stress and shear strain of an elastic material, is

  • AModulus of Rigidity
  • BShear Modulus
  • CModulus of Elasticity
  • DBoth A. and B.
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Correct Answer : (D)

Both A. and B.


7.The ratio of circumferential stress to the longitudinal stress in the walls of a cylindrical shell, due to flowing liquid, is

  • A1/2
  • B1
  • C1.5
  • D2
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Correct Answer : (D)



8.The ratio of the stresses produced by a suddenly applied load and by a gradually applied load on a bar, is

  • A1/4
  • B1/2
  • C1
  • D2
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Correct Answer : (D)



9.The strain energy stored in a spring when subjected to greatest load without being permanently distorted, is called

  • AStiffness
  • BProof resilience
  • CProof stress
  • DProof load
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Correct Answer : (B)

Proof resilience


10.The area of the core of a column of cross sectional area A, is

  • A(1/3) A
  • B(1/6) A
  • C(1/12) A
  • D(1/18) A
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Correct Answer : (D)

(1/18) A


11.The equivalent length of a column of length L having one end fixed and the other end free, is

  • A2L
  • BL
  • C3L
  • D4L
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Correct Answer : (A)



12.The locus of the end point of the resultant of the normal and tangential components of the stress on an inclined plane, is

  • ACircle
  • BParabola
  • CEllipse
  • DStraight line
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Correct Answer : (C)



13.The strain energy due to volumetric strain

  • AIs directly proportional to the volume
  • BIs directly proportional to the square of exerted pressure
  • CIs inversely proportional to Bulk modulus
  • DAll the above
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Correct Answer : (D)

All the above


14.A shaft subjected to a bending moment M and a torque T, experiences

  • AMaximum bending stress = 32M/πd³
  • BMaximum shear stress = 16 T/πd³
  • CBoth A and B
  • DNeither A nor B
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Correct Answer : (C)

Both A and B


15.The greatest load which a spring can carry without getting permanently distorted, is called

  • AStiffness
  • BProof resilience
  • CProof stress
  • DProof load
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Correct Answer : (D)

Proof load


16.At any point of a beam, the section modulus may be obtained by dividing the moment of inertia of the section by

  • ADepth of the section
  • BDepth of the neutral axis
  • CMaximum tensile stress at the section
  • DMaximum compressive stress at the section
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Correct Answer : (B)

Depth of the neutral axis


17.In a shaft, the shear stress is not directly proportional to

  • ARadius of the shaft
  • BAngle of twist
  • CLength of the shaft
  • DModulus of rigidity
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Correct Answer : (C)

Length of the shaft


18.Pick up the incorrect statement from the following: The torsional resistance of a shaft is directly proportional to

  • AModulus of rigidity
  • BAngle of twist
  • CReciprocal of the length of the shaft
  • DMoment of inertia of the shaft section
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Correct Answer : (D)

Moment of inertia of the shaft section


19.The maximum bending moment for a simply supported beam with a uniformly distributed load w/unit length, is 

  • AWI/2 
  • BWI²/4 
  • CWI²/8 
  • DWI²/12 
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Correct Answer : (C)




20.A bar L metre long and having its area of cross-section A, is subjected to a gradually applied tensile load W. The strain energy stored in the bar is 

  • AWL/2AE 
  • BWL/AE 
  • CW²L/AE 
  • DW²L/2AE 
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Correct Answer : (D)


