In electromechanical energy conversion devices (e.g generators and motors) a small air gap is left between the stator and the rotor in order to permit mechanical clearance.
3.If a current carrying coil is placed in a uniform magnetic field direction of magnetic induction, then
Athe net force and torque on the coil are both zero
the net force and torque on the coil are both zero
If a current carrying coil is placed in a uniform magnetic field direction of magnetic induction, then the net force and torque on the coil are both zero.
4.Reluctance torque in rotating machines is present, when
Reluctance torque in rotating machines is present, when reluctance seen by the working mmf varies.
5.A rotating electrical machine having its self-inductances of both the stator and the stator windings, independent of rotor position will definitely not develop.
6.A circular metallic disc is placed in a vertical magnetic field of constant induction in the downward direction. If the disc is rotated in a horizontal plane, the emf induced will be
The function of pole shoes in a dc machine is to Support the field coils, Reduce the reluctance of the magnetic path, Spread out the flux to achieve uniform flux distribution in the air gap.