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Measurement and instrumentation MCQ Question and Answer PDF Free Download

1.Which of the following instruments indicate the instantaneous value of the electrical quantity being measured at the time at which it is being measured?

  • AAbsolute instruments
  • BIndicating instruments
  • CRecording instruments
  • DIntegrating instruments
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Correct Answer : (B)

Indicating instruments


2._________ Instruments are those which measure the total quantity of electricity delivered in a particular time. 

  • AAbsolute
  • BIndicating
  • CRecording
  • DIntegrating
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Correct Answer : (D)



3.Which of the following are Integrating instruments?

  • AAmmeters
  • BVoltmeters
  • CWattmeters
  • DAmpere-hour and Watt-hour meters
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Correct Answer : (D)

Ampere-hour and Watt-hour meters


Ampere-hour and Watt-hour meters are Integrating instruments.

4.Resistances can be measured with the help of

  • AWattmeters
  • BVoltmeters
  • CAmmeters
  • DOhmmeters and resistance bridges 
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Correct Answer : (D)

Ohmmeters and resistance bridges 


Resistances can be measured with the help of Ohmmeters and resistance bridges.

5.Which of the following essential features is possessed by indicating instrument?

  • ADeflecting device
  • BControlling device
  • CDamping device
  • DAll of the above
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Correct Answer : (D)

All of the above


The essential features is possessed by indicating instrument are Deflecting, controlling and damping device.

6.A  _________  device prevents the oscillation of the moving system and enables the latter to reach its final position quickly 

  • ADeflecting
  • BControlling
  • CDamping
  • DAny of the above 
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Correct Answer : (C)



7.The spring material used in a spring control device should have the following property.

  • AShould be non-magnetic and have low specific resistance
  • BMost be of low temperature co-efficient 
  • CShould not be subjected to fatigue
  • DAll of the above 
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Correct Answer : (D)

All of the above 


The spring material used in a spring control device should be non-magnetic and have low specific resistance, Most be of low temperature co-efficient and Should not be subjected to fatigue.

8.Which of the following properties damping oil must possess?

  • AMust be a good insulator and non-evaporating
  • BShould not have corrosive action upon the metal of the vane
  • CThe viscosity of the oil should not change with the temperature
  • DAll of the above 
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Correct Answer : (D)

All of the above 


The properties damping oil must possess are Must be a good insulator and non-evaporating, Should not have corrosive action upon the metal of the vane and the viscosity of the oil should not change with the temperature.

9.A moving-coil permanent-magnet instrument can be used as  __________  by using a low resistance shunt.

  • AAmmeter
  • BVoltmeter
  • CFlux-meter
  • DBallistic galvanometer 
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Correct Answer : (A)



10.A moving-coil permanent-magnet instrument can be used as flux-meter

  • ABy using a low resistance shunt
  • BBy using a high series resistance
  • CBy eliminating the control springs
  • DBy making control springs of large moment of inertia 
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Correct Answer : (C)

By eliminating the control springs


A moving-coil permanent-magnet instrument can be used as flux-meter by eliminating the control springs.

11.Which of the following devices may be used for extending the range of instruments?

  • AShunts
  • BMultipliers
  • CCurrent transformers and Potential transformers
  • DAll of the above 
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Correct Answer : (D)

All of the above 


The devices may be used for extending the range of instruments are Shunts, Multipliers, Current transformers and Potential transformers.

12.An induction meter can handle current upto

  • A10 A
  • B30 A
  • C60 A
  • D100 A
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Correct Answer : (D)

100 A


An induction meter can handle current upto 100 A.

13.Induction type single phase energy meters measure electric energy in

  • AkW
  • BWh
  • CkWh
  • DVAR
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Correct Answer : (C)



Induction type single phase energy meters measure electric energy in kWh.

14.Most common form of AC meters met with in every day domestic and industrial installations are 

  • AMercury motor meters
  • BCommutator motor meters
  • CInduction type single phase energy meters
  • DAll of the above 
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Correct Answer : (C)

Induction type single phase energy meters


Most common form of AC meters met with in every day domestic and industrial installations are Induction type single phase energy meters.

15.Which of the following meters are not used on DC circuits?

  • AMercury motor meters 
  • BCommutator motor meters
  • CInduction meters
  • DNone of the above 
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Correct Answer : (C)

Induction meters


Induction meters are not used on DC circuits.

16.Which of the following is an essential part of a motor meter?

  • AAn operating torque system
  • BA braking device
  • CRevolution registering device
  • DAll of the above
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Correct Answer : (D)

All of the above


17.A potentiometer may be used for

  • AMeasurement of resistance
  • BMeasurement of current
  • CCalibration of ammeter and voltmeter
  • DAll of the above 
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Correct Answer : (D)

All of the above 


A potentiometer may be used for Measurement of resistance, Measurement of current and Calibration of ammeter and voltmeter.

18.Which instrument is used for measuring the insulation resistance of an electric circuit relative to earth and one another?

  • ATangent galvanometer
  • BMeggar
  • CCurrent transformer
  • DNone of the above 
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Correct Answer : (B)



Megger is used for measuring the insulation resistance of an electric circuit relative to earth and one another.

19.The household energy meter is

  • AAn indicating instrument
  • BA recording instrument
  • CAn integrating instrument
  • DNone of the above 
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Correct Answer : (C)

An integrating instrument


The household energy meter is an integrating instrument.

20.The pointer of an indicating instrument should be 

  • AVery light
  • BVery heavy
  • CEither (a) or (b)
  • DNeither (a) nor (b) 
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Correct Answer : (A)

Very light


The pointer of an indicating instrument should be Very light.