Reduce the earth capacitance of the lowest unit
The purpose of guard ring in transmission lines is to Reduce the earth capacitance of the lowest unit.
Corona takes place at a voltage lower than breakdown voltage.
All of the above
The effect of corona can be detected by Presence of ozone detected by odour, Hissing sound and Faint luminous glow of bluish colour.
Decrease in conductor size and increase in supply frequency.
Corona loss in a transmission line increases with Decrease in conductor size and increase in supply frequency.
Reduce the steepness of surge fronts.
The good effect of corona on overhead lines is to Reduce the steepness of surge fronts.
Produces surfaces of smaller radius
For a given cross section, the radius of the conductor is increased.
Corona loss can be reduced by the use of hollow conductors because For a given cross section, the radius of the conductor is increased.
Both (a) and (b)
Corona occurs between two transmission conductors when they have high potential difference and are closely spaced.
Much less than that needed in fair weather
The corona occurs in humid weather at a voltage much less than that needed in fair weather.
Increased energy loss
The effect of corona in a transmission line is Increased energy loss.
The effective conductor diameter
The charging current in a transmission line increases due to corona effect because corona increases The effective conductor diameter.
Humid weather
The chances of occurrence of corona are maximum during Humid weather.
Transmission lines
Corona is likely to occur maximum in case of Transmission lines.
Works as a safety valve for surges
The only advantage of corona is that it Works as a safety valve for surges.
Corrodes the material
30 kV/cm
21.1 kV(rms)/cm
Proportional to barometric pressure
The dielectric strength of air is Proportional to barometric pressure.
Higher than disruptive critical voltage
Visual critical voltage is Higher than disruptive critical voltage.
Increasing the radius of the conductors
Critical voltage limit of a transmission line is increased by Increasing the radius of the conductors.