600 Important Machine Design MCQ Question and Answer | PDF Free Download

Machine Design MCQ Question and Answer PDF Free Download

1.When the shaft rotates in anticlockwise direction at high speed in a bearing, it will

  • AHave contact at the bottom most of the bearing
  • BMove towards right of the bearing making metal to metal contact
  • CMove towards right of the bearing making no metal to metal contact
  • DMove towards left of the bearing making metal to metal contact
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Correct Answer : (C)

Move towards right of the bearing making no metal to metal contact


2.When the shaft rotates in anticlockwise direction at slow speed in a bearing, it will

  • AWhen the shaft rotates in anticlockwise direction at slow speed in a bearing, it will
  • BMove towards right of the bearing making no metal to metal contact
  • CMove towards right of the bearing making the metal to metal contact
  • DMove towards left of the bearing making metal to metal contact
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Correct Answer : (D)

Move towards left of the bearing making metal to metal contact


3.When the bearing is subjected to large fluctuations of load and heavy impacts, the bearing characteristic number should be _________ the bearing modulus.

  • A10 times
  • B5 times
  • C15 times
  • D20 times
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Correct Answer : (C)

15 times


4.A V-belt designated as B 4430 LP has

  • A4430 mm as diameter of small pulley
  • B4430 mm as nominal pitch length
  • C4430 mm as diameter of large pulley
  • D4430 mm as centre distance between pulleys
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Correct Answer : (B)

4430 mm as nominal pitch length


5.The face angle of a bevel gear is equal to

  • APitch angle - addendum angle
  • BPitch angle + addendum angle
  • CPitch angle - dedendum angle
  • DPitch angle + dedendum angle
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Correct Answer : (B)

Pitch angle + addendum angle


6.The root angle of a bevel gear is equal to

  • APitch angle - addendum angle
  • BPitch angle + addendum angle
  • CPitch angle - dedendum angle
  • DPitch angle + dedendum angle
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Correct Answer : (C)

Pitch angle - dedendum angle


7.The property of a material which enables it to be drawn into wires with the application of a tensile force, is called

  • APlasticity
  • BElasticity
  • CDuctility
  • DMalleability
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Correct Answer : (C)



8.When screw threads are to be used in a situation where power is being transmitted in one direction only, then the screw threads suitable for this will be

  • AKnuckle threads
  • BSquare threads
  • CAcme threads
  • DButtress threads
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Correct Answer : (D)

Buttress threads


9.In a horizontal flat belt drive, it is customary to use

  • ABottom side of belt as slack side
  • BTop side of belt as slack side
  • CIdler pulley
  • DNone of the above
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Correct Answer : (B)

Top side of belt as slack side


10.The shearing stresses in the inner face as compared to outer face of the wire in a heavy close coiled spring is

  • ALarger
  • BSmaller
  • CEqual
  • DLarger/smaller depending on diameter of spring coil
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Correct Answer : (A)



11.The size of a cam depends upon

  • ABase circle
  • BPitch circle
  • CPrime circle
  • DPitch curve
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Correct Answer : (A)

Base circle


12.If T₁ and T₂ are the tensions on the tight and slack sides of the belt respectively, and Tc is the centrifugal tension, then initial tension in the belt is equal to

  • AT₁ - T₂ + Tc
  • BT₁ + T₂ + Tc
  • C(T₁ - T₂ + Tc)/2
  • D(T₁ + T₂ + Tc)/2
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Correct Answer : (D)

(T₁ + T₂ + Tc)/2


13.The objective of 'crowning' of the flat pulleys of belt drive is to

  • APrevent the belt from running off the pulley
  • BIncrease the power transmission capacity
  • CIncrease the belt velocity
  • DPrevent the belt joint from damaging the belt surface
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Correct Answer : (A)

Prevent the belt from running off the pulley


14.When a machine member is subjected to torsion, the torsional shear stress set up in the member is

  • AZero at both the centroidal axis and outer surface of the member
  • BMaximum at both the centroidal axis and outer surface of the member
  • CZero at the centroidal axis and maximum at the outer surface of the member
  • DMaximum at the centroidal axis and zero at the outer surface of the member
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Correct Answer : (C)

Zero at the centroidal axis and maximum at the outer surface of the member


15.The suitable material for belt used in flour mill is

  • ALeather
  • BRubber
  • CCanvas or cotton duck
  • DBalata gum
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Correct Answer : (C)

Canvas or cotton duck


16.The usual proportion for the width of key is (where d = Diameter of shaft or diameter of hole in the hub)

  • Ad/8
  • Bd/6
  • Cd/4
  • Dd/2
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Correct Answer : (C)



17.According to Indian standard specifications, 100 H6/g5 means that

  • ATolerance grade for the hole is 6 and for the shaft is 5
  • BTolerance grade for the shaft is 6 and for the hole is 5
  • CTolerance grade for the shaft is 4 to 8 and for the hole is 3 to 7
  • DTolerance grade for the hole is 4 to 8 and for the shaft is 3 to 7
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Correct Answer : (A)

Tolerance grade for the hole is 6 and for the shaft is 5


18.The longitudinal joint in boilers is used to get the required

  • ALength of boiler
  • BDiameter of boiler
  • CLength and diameter of boiler
  • DEfficiency of boiler
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Correct Answer : (B)

Diameter of boiler


19.The longitudinal joint in boilers is used to get the required

  • ALength of boiler
  • BDiameter of boiler
  • CLength and diameter of boiler
  • DEfficiency of boiler
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Correct Answer : (B)

Diameter of boiler


20.The draw of cotter should not be more than

  • A3 mm
  • B6 mm
  • C8 mm
  • D12 mm
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Correct Answer : (A)

3 mm
