600 Important Machine Design MCQ Question and Answer | PDF Free Download

Machine Design MCQ Question and Answer PDF Free Download

1.Soderberg relation is based on __________ of the material whereas all other failure relation for dynamic loading are based on ultimate strength of the material

  • AElastic strength
  • BYield strength
  • CShear strength
  • DNone of these
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Correct Answer : (B)

Yield strength


2.The cracks in helical springs used in railway carriages usually start on the inner side of the coil because of the fact that

  • AIt is subjected to a higher cyclic loading than the outer side
  • BIt is subjected to a higher stress than the outer side
  • CIt is more stretched than the outer side during the manufacturing process
  • DIt has a lower curvature than the outer side
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Correct Answer : (A)

It is subjected to a higher cyclic loading than the outer side


3.A column of length l is fixed at both ends. The equivalent length of the column is

  • AFor circumferential joint in boilers, the type of joint used is
  • BButt joint with single cover plate
  • CLap joint with one ring overlapping the other
  • DAny one of the above
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Correct Answer : (C)

Lap joint with one ring overlapping the other


4.Belt slip may occur due to

  • AHeavy load
  • BLoose belt
  • CDriving pulley too small
  • DAll of the above
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Correct Answer : (D)

All of the above


5.The pipe joint mostly used for pipes carrying water at low pressures is

  • ASocket joint
  • BNipple joint
  • CUnion joint
  • DSpigot and socket joint
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Correct Answer : (A)

Socket joint


6.In leaf springs, the longest leaf is known as

  • AMaster leaf
  • BLower leaf
  • CUpper leaf
  • DNone of these
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Correct Answer : (A)

Master leaf


7.A feather key is generally

  • ALoose in shaft and tight in hub
  • BTight in shaft and loose in hub
  • CTight in both shaft and hub
  • DLoose in both shaft and hub
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Correct Answer : (B)

Tight in shaft and loose in hub


8.Auto frettage is the method of

  • AJoining thick cylinders
  • BCalculating stresses in thick cylinders
  • CPre-stressing thick cylinders
  • DIncreasing the life of thick cylinders
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Correct Answer : (C)

Pre-stressing thick cylinders


9.In case of pressure vessels having open ends, the fluid pressure induces

  • ALongitudinal stress
  • BCircumferential stress
  • CShear stress
  • DNone of these
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Correct Answer : (B)

Circumferential stress


10.In standard taper roller bearings, the angle of taper of outer raceway is

  • A
  • B
  • C15°
  • D25°
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Correct Answer : (D)



11.The relation between the pitch of the chain (p) and pitch circle diameter of the sprocket (D) is given by (where T = Number of teeth on the sprocket)

  • Ap = D sin (90°/T)
  • Bp = D sin (120°/T)
  • Cp = D sin (180°/T)
  • Dp = D sin (360°/T)
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Correct Answer : (C)

p = D sin (180°/T)


12.In oilness bearings

  • AThe oil film pressure is generated only by the rotation of the journal
  • BThe oil film is maintained by supplying oil under pressure
  • CDo not require external supply of lubricant
  • DGrease required to be applied after some intervals
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Correct Answer : (C)

Do not require external supply of lubricant


13.Two shafts of the same length and material are joined in series. If the ratio of their diameters is 2, then the ratio of their angles of twist will be

  • A2
  • B4
  • C8
  • D16
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Correct Answer : (D)



14.A metal pipe of 1 m diameter contains a fluid having a pressure of 1 N/mm². If the permissible tensile stress in the metal is 20 N/mm², then the thickness of the metal required for making the pipe will be

  • A5 mm
  • B10 mm
  • C15 mm
  • D25 mm
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Correct Answer : (D)

25 mm


15.The form factor of a helical gear __________ with the increase in the helix angle.

  • AIncreases
  • BDecreases
  • CRemains constant
  • DNone of these
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Correct Answer : (A)



16.When a bolt is subjected to an external load, the stress induced in the bolt will be

  • ATensile stress
  • BShear stress
  • CCombined tensile and shear stress
  • DAny one of these
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Correct Answer : (D)

Any one of these


17.For maximum power, the velocity of the belt will be

  • A√(T/m)
  • B√(T/2m)
  • C√(T/3m)
  • DNone of these
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Correct Answer : (C)



18.The notch angle of the Izod impact test specimen is

  • A10°
  • B20°
  • C30°
  • D45°
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Correct Answer : (D)



19.A screw will be self locking, if

  • AFriction angle is less than helix angle
  • BFriction angle is more than helix angle
  • CFriction angle is equal to helix angle
  • DEfficiency of screw is 100%
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Correct Answer : (B)

Friction angle is more than helix angle


20.A locking device in which the bottom cylindrical portion is recessed to receive the tip of the locking set screw, is called

  • ARing nut
  • BCastle nut
  • CSawn nut
  • DJam nut
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Correct Answer : (A)

Ring nut
