600 Important Machine Design MCQ Question and Answer | PDF Free Download

Machine Design MCQ Question and Answer PDF Free Download

1.The endurance limit of a material with finished surface in comparison to rough surface is

  • AMore
  • BLess
  • CSame
  • DMore or less depending on quantum of load
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Correct Answer : (A)



2.A saddle key __________ power through frictional resistance only.

  • ATransmits
  • BDoes not transmit
  • CEither A or B
  • DNone of these
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Correct Answer : (A)



3.In case of pressure vessels having closed ends, the fluid pressure induces

  • ALongitudinal stress
  • BShear stress
  • CCircumferential stress
  • DNone of these
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Correct Answer : (A)

Longitudinal stress


4.In order to obtain bolt of uniform strength

  • AIncrease shank diameter
  • BIncrease its length
  • CDrill an axial hole through head up to threaded portion so that shank area is equal to root area of thread
  • DTighten die bolt properly
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Correct Answer : (C)

Drill an axial hole through head up to threaded portion so that shank area is equal to root area of thread


5.The function of the washer is to

  • AFill up the axial gap
  • BProvide bearing area
  • CProvide cushioning effect
  • DAbsorb shocks and vibrations
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Correct Answer : (B)

Provide bearing area


6.The face of the tooth is the

  • ASurface of the top of the tooth
  • BSurface of the tooth above the pitch surface
  • CSurface of the tooth below the pitch surface
  • DWidth of the tooth measured along the pitch circle
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Correct Answer : (B)

Surface of the tooth above the pitch surface


7.The flank of the tooth is the

  • ASurface of the top of the tooth
  • BSurface of the tooth above the pitch surface
  • CWidth of the tooth measured along the pitch circle
  • DSurface of the tooth below the pitch surface
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Correct Answer : (D)

Surface of the tooth below the pitch surface


8.The velocity of sliding __________ the distance of the point of contact from the pitch point.

  • AIs directly proportional to
  • BIs inversely proportional to
  • CIs equal to cos φ multiplied by
  • DDoes not depend upon
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Correct Answer : (A)

Is directly proportional to


9.The washer is generally specified by its

  • AOuter diameter
  • BHole diameter
  • CThickness
  • DMean diameter
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Correct Answer : (B)

Hole diameter


10.Taper on the cotter and slot is provided

  • AOn both the sides
  • BOn one side only
  • COn none of the sides
  • DMay be provided anywhere
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Correct Answer : (B)

On one side only


11.According to Indian standards, the diameter of rivet hole is made larger than the basic size of rivet by

  • A0.5 mm up to rivet diameter of 24 mm
  • B1 mm for rivet diameter from 27 mm to 36 mm
  • C2 mm for rivet diameter from 39 mm to 48 mm
  • DAll of the above
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Correct Answer : (C)

2 mm for rivet diameter from 39 mm to 48 mm


12.For low and moderate speed engines, the cam follower should move with

  • AUniform velocity
  • BSimple harmonic motion
  • CUniform acceleration and retardation
  • DCycloidal motion
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Correct Answer : (B)

Simple harmonic motion


13.For high speed engines, the cam follower should move with

  • AUniform velocity
  • BSimple harmonic motion
  • CUniform acceleration and retardation
  • DCycloidal motion
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Correct Answer : (D)

Cycloidal motion


14.A double fillet welded joint with parallel fillet weld of length 'l' and leg 's' is subjected to a tensile force 'P'. Assuming uniform stress distribution, the shear stress in the weld is given by

  • A√2P/s.l
  • BP/2.s.l
  • CP/√2.s.l
  • D2P/s.l
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Correct Answer : (C)



15.The square threads are usually found on

  • ASpindles of bench vices
  • BRailway carriage couplings
  • CFeed mechanism of machine tools
  • DScrew cutting lathes
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Correct Answer : (C)

Feed mechanism of machine tools


16.The acme threads are usually found on

  • ASpindles of bench vices
  • BRailway carriage couplings
  • CFeed mechanism of machine tools
  • DScrew cutting lathes
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Correct Answer : (D)

Screw cutting lathes


17.Buttress threads are usually found on

  • AScrew cutting lathes
  • BFeed mechanisms
  • CSpindles of bench vices
  • DRailway carriage couplings
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Correct Answer : (D)

Railway carriage couplings


18.Lewis equation in gears is used to find the

  • ATensile stress in bending
  • BShear stress
  • CCompressive stress in bending
  • DFatigue stress
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Correct Answer : (C)

Compressive stress in bending


19.The centrifugal tension in belts

  • ADecreases the power transmitted
  • BIncreases the power transmitted
  • CIncrease the wrap angle
  • DIncreases the belt tension without increasing power transmission
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Correct Answer : (D)

Increases the belt tension without increasing power transmission


20.In helical gears, the distance parallel to the axis, between similar faces of adjacent teeth, is called

  • ANormal pitch
  • BAxial pitch
  • CDiametral pitch
  • DModule
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Correct Answer : (B)

Axial pitch
