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480 Important Steam Boilers, Engines, Nozzles And Turbines MCQ Question and Answer | PDF Free Download

Steam Boilers, Engines, Nozzles And Turbines MCQ Question and Answer | PDF Free Download

1.In a boiler, the heat is lost

  • ATo dry flue gases
  • BIn moisture present in the fuel
  • CTo steam formed by combustion of hydrogen per kg of fuel
  • DAll of the above
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Correct Answer : (D)

All of the above


2.The friction present between the steam and the nozzle surfaces reduces the heat drop by

  • A10 to 15%
  • B15 to 25%
  • C25 to 40%
  • D40 to 60%
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Correct Answer : (A)

10 to 15%


3.A valve installed between the boiler and the feed pump is

  • ABlow off cock
  • BFeed check valve
  • CSteam stop valve
  • DNone of these
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Correct Answer : (B)

Feed check valve


4.The blade friction in the impulse turbine reduces the velocity of steam by __________ while it passes over the blades.

  • A10 to 15%
  • B15 to 20%
  • C20 to 30%
  • D30 to 40%
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Correct Answer : (A)

10 to 15%


5.The temperature of flue gases at air heater outlet should be

  • A100°C
  • BAbove dew point temperature of flue gases
  • CBelow dew point temperature of flue gases
  • DLess than wet bulb temperature of flue gases
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Correct Answer : (B)

Above dew point temperature of flue gases


6.A compound steam engine in which piston rods of high pressure and low pressure cylinders ' are attached to two different cranks set at 180° to each other, is called

  • AReceiver type compound engine
  • BTandem type compound engine
  • CWoolf type compound engine
  • DBoth (A) and (B)
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Correct Answer : (C)

Woolf type compound engine


7.A compound steam engine in which piston rods of high pressure and low pressure cylinders are attached to two different cranks set at 90° to each other, is called

  • AReceiver type compound engine
  • BTandem type compound engine
  • CWoolf type compound engine
  • DBoth (A) and (B)
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Correct Answer : (A)

Receiver type compound engine


8.Water tube boilers are

  • AInternally fired
  • BExternally fired
  • CInternally as well as externally fired
  • DNone of these
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Correct Answer : (B)

Externally fired


9.In a nozzle, whole frictional loss is assumed to occur between

  • AInlet and throat
  • BInlet and outlet
  • CThroat and exit
  • DAll of these
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Correct Answer : (C)

Throat and exit


10.In reaction turbines, the axial thrust is due to

  • APressure drop across the rotor
  • BChange in axial velocity
  • CBoth (A) and (B)
  • DNone of these
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Correct Answer : (C)

Both (A) and (B)


11.Sublimation region is the region where

  • ASolid and vapor phases are in equilibrium
  • BSolid and liquid phases are in equilibrium
  • CLiquid and vapor phases are in equilibrium
  • DSolid, liquid and vapor phases are in equilibrium
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Correct Answer : (A)

Solid and vapor phases are in equilibrium


12.The diagram factor is the ratio of the

  • AArea of the actual indicator diagram to the area of theoretical indicator diagram
  • BActual work done per stroke to the theoretical work done per stroke
  • CActual mean effective pressure to the theoretical mean effective pressure
  • DAny one of the above
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Correct Answer : (D)

Any one of the above


13.The overall efficiency of thermal power plant is

  • ABoiler efficiency, turbine efficiency, generator efficiency
  • BAll the three above plus gas cycle efficiency
  • CCarnot cycle efficiency
  • DRegenerative cycle efficiency
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Correct Answer : (A)

Boiler efficiency, turbine efficiency, generator efficiency


14.The supersaturated flow of steam through a nozzle as compared to a stable flow, the available heat drop

  • ARemains the same
  • BIncreases
  • CDecreases
  • DIs unpredictable
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Correct Answer : (C)



15.The shell of the Cochran boiler is made hemispherical

  • ATo give maximum space and strength
  • BTo withstand the pressure of steam inside the boiler
  • CBoth (A) and (B)
  • DNone of the above
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Correct Answer : (C)

Both (A) and (B)


16.The value of the reheat factor varies from

  • A1.02 to 1.06
  • B1.08 to 1.10
  • C1.2 to 1.6
  • D1.6 to 2
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Correct Answer : (A)

1.02 to 1.06


17.The maximum efficiency of a reaction turbine is

  • A2 sin²α/(1 + sin²α)
  • B2 cos²α/(1 + cos²α)
  • C(1 + sin²α)/2 sin²α
  • D(1 + cos²α)/2 cos²α
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Correct Answer : (B)

2 cos²α/(1 + cos²α)


18.An impulse turbine as compared to a reaction turbine, for a given power has _________ row of blades.

  • AEqual
  • BLess
  • CMore
  • DNone of these
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Correct Answer : (C)



19.The ratio of the clearance volume to the swept volume is called

  • ACut-off ratio
  • BExpansion ratio
  • CClearance ratio
  • DNone of these
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Correct Answer : (C)

Clearance ratio


20.The ratio of the volume at cut-off to the swept volume is called

  • ACut-off ratio
  • BExpansion ratio
  • CClearance ratio
  • DNone of these
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Correct Answer : (A)

Cut-off ratio
